New design for

I've just made the new design live on, so if you haven't viewed the site outside of our RSS feed in a while, come take a look.



The attempt is to lighten things up a bit around here. The old design was focused around highlighting the photography with a restful and balanced background. As the number of travel articles increased though, the white text on a grey background began to bother me as much as it probably did you. So, now it's a dark grey on white with a light grey-green page background image.

All the kinks aren't worked out yet, so there are some oddities (I'll most likely update the logo...) but they'll get sorted in the near future.

What do you think of the look so far? Better? Worse? Please comment below and let me know!

You should follow me on twitter here.

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I like it!

Susan on 01 March, 2009



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