Eyeflare.com in a word cloud

Here's a bit of fun. Wordle.net is a service that will take your web page or RSS feed and make a word cloud out of it. Here's what I got today from my RSS feed:

Wordle word cloud for eyeflare.com



If you have a travel site, make your own cloud and leave a comment below with the URL and I'll make a post with all of them in a few days showing off the essence of your site.

You should follow me on twitter here.

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Ordered newest to oldest.

Fantastic discovery - all travel bloggers should use this! Here's mine:

Swoop Travel Wordle

I'm glad to see most words relevant to people going to Patagonia are the biggies!

Charlotte on 04 May, 2011

Hey Jack

Lol. They're awesome - although you now owe me 10 minutes of my life I'll never get back ;-)


...I'm surprised the word 'beer' wasn't bigger though in mine though...hmmmm. Curious.

Nath on 11 March, 2009

This is mine!


Louise Brown on 03 March, 2009

Forgot your Wordle

Dian, you forgot to link to your Wordle!

Jack on 03 March, 2009

That one looks great Alex

Alex, love the look of yours, very classy.

Jack on 03 March, 2009

Girl's Getaway

Looks like fun!

Here is our site:


Dian Emery on 03 March, 2009


Think am writing about airlines too much! http://www.wordle.net/gallery/wrdl/607022/LucyLovesAustralia

Lucy on 03 March, 2009

Unearthing Asia

Oh whee~ fun stuff!

Here's mine:


Nik on 02 March, 2009


Heh, that's kind of fun! Created one for Travelblogs here: http://www.wordle.net/gallery/wrdl/602117/Travelblogs

Peter on 01 March, 2009



eyeflare travel & tips is © Jack Norell 1994-2025 All Rights Reserved