Top 10 all-inclusive cruising cocktails

When there’s no need to splash the cash, splash your glass instead.



When the price has been rubbed off the drinks menu then there’s no reason not to be a little adventurous. The joy of going on all inclusive holidays is that you can treat yourself to a drink you’ve always liked the name of, but didn’t want to blow your money on it in case it didn’t taste as good as it sounded.

So, consider these ten cheeky little numbers that you wouldn’t even have to lift your wallet for.


The high of sophisticated chic, this classic blend of vodka, Cointreau and cranberry juice will make you feel every bit the glamorous traveler as the name suggests.


The most popular thing to come out of Cuba since sugar, hand-rolled cigars and funny hats, the mojito is all things to all palettes. The sweet and sour minty flavor is perfect for a cool evening by the pool.

Kir Royale

If you’re the type who likes the bubbly with a bit of a twist, then this is for you. The dry and sweet flavor of champagne and Crème de Cassis makes this cocktail a lovely and light aperitif. A perfect opener before that all-inclusive dinner!


The great thing about margaritas is that no two batches are ever the same. The simple base of Tequila, lime and syrup can be augmented with all manner of fruity combos. Remember that there are only two types of people in this world: People who have margaritas with salt on the rim of their glass and those who don’t.

Piña Colada

Supposedly a morale-booster for Puerto-Rican pirates in the 1800’s, the Piña Colada is a sweet sip-able surprise. Hopefully it won’t raise any piratical tendencies in you, keeping your all-inclusive cruise plain sailing.

Long Island Ice Tea

Despite the innocent-sounding name, this baby is a serious cocktail. Being mostly alcohol, its best to take your time over the Long Island Ice Tea, lest the vodka, gin, rum, tequila and triple-sec all go to your head!

Pink Lady

This classic combination of Gin, cream and grenadine is the perfect accompaniment to a night out searching for that T-Bird who’s the ‘one that you want’.


A marvelous cocktail with a murky past, the Negroni is a mix of gin, vermouth and Campari, making it a bitter-sweet drink that speaks volumes to those who want an aperitif with a little more bite to it than a Kir Royale. (Featured here below the Pineau)


This beauty from Brazil is bursting with vitality; with a little brown sugar add to the main ingredient of Cachaca, mixed with lime and cordial. It’s certain to have you up and out on the dance floor along with the best of them.


Perhaps the most recognized cocktail from the world of film, the Martini is all about the little differences; do you prefer it straight up? With a twist? Shaken or stirred? If in doubt, just ask for what James Bond would have.

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Long Islands are... well... great with the right bartender. But I agree that they usually aren't all that amazing. My favorite for now is the Classic Margarita, though fruit ones can be quite good as well.

Jack on 17 September, 2010

The Long Island Iced Tea is a bit overated to be honest, but there are some other good picks here.

Cocktail Paul on 16 September, 2010

Jay - Quite lethal. Try two in a proper iced tea glass (about 40 cl) and you'll be happy.

Jack on 12 August, 2010

given me some inspiration to try a Long island iced tea, think ill wait until ive got some recovery time scheduled as it sounds pretty lethal.. Think assuming those foreign bar staff are gonna know what these are is another issue

Jay on 12 August, 2010

Some classic cocktails here, making my mouth water just thinking about them... Never tried the pink lady, but I'd like to give it a go.

Diana Gray on 12 August, 2010



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