How not to eco-travel in 10 easy points

Plastic bottle trash on beachResponsible Travel just published a list of 10 points from a reader poll about the worst things that tourists do. These 10 are so easy to avoid, and make you look like a complete idiot to the locals. Here they are:

  1. "Littering - especially plastic bags."
  2. "Purchasing illegal souvenirs or food produce."
  3. "Wasting water in destinations which face shortages e.g. Spain."
  4. "Leaving lights on."
  5. "Leaving air conditioning on in hotel rooms when you're not in them."
  6. "Purchasing mineral water in plastic water bottles when the hotel provides drinkable water for re-fills."
  7. "Standing on coral reefs. It takes approx. one hundred years for one inch of coral to grow. By killing it you affect the whole eco system."
  8. "Disturbing wild animals by getting as close as possible for a better picture."
  9. "Throwing cigarette butts on the ground."
  10. "Failing to take advantage of recycling facilities where offered."



If you've done any of these, shame on you!

Now, since's readers actually eco-travel, check out some eco-travel resources for travelers, or my cheap and simple green travel tips.

While you're planning, here are 4 green getaways and 4 more. Once back home, please share your eco-travel tips in the comments!

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Vacation Does Not Justify Laziness or Sloppiness!

Whether I am in my home, another person's, a hotel or out in public, I try to act the same. There is simply no excuse to litter. Wasting electricity and power is just making the future of the world dimmer. Aiding illegal activities just encourages more illicit behavior. While traveling, people need to understand that they are sharing space with others and that the world is not there to clean up after them or there to offer limitless resources. Too often though, people just do not care or expect others to take care of things for them. Quite sad, nonetheless important to cover and bring to light. Thanks for doing so.

Nick Summers on 03 September, 2009

This opened my eyes

Thanks for those tips. I've never been to coral reefs, but your fact really opened my eyes!

I'm occasionally guilty of leaving the AC on as I feel the room will be cooler when I return - gotta change that habit.

And yes - water should never be taken for granted! Preserve every drop!

Benji on 03 September, 2009

Responsible traveler

Every one can be a responsible traveler by paying attention to small things. Step by step, the travel environment can get better or remain as good. You can also contribute to the local community by choosing local tour guide.

local guides, local wisdom

Tour Guide OurExplorer on 21 June, 2009



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