Carnival of Cities 22 April 2009

Carnival of Cities logoWelcome to the 22 April issue of the Carnival of Cities, on visit to from its spiritual home at Family Travel Guide.

Cities in Europe



On Mother of all Trips, Mara Gorman writes that Mondays are for dreaming: Barcelona which includes some great photos of Gaudi architecture in Barcelona. Mara hasn't been yet, but wants to visit Barca soon. I've been, and I say go for it.

More Spanish influences come from Soultravelers3, who've spent Easter in a village near Granada. In Semana Santa Easter in Andalusia they say "What do Andalusians teach us about community? Insiders view of Easter in a 15th century white village near Granada, Spain."

Cities in the Americas

Caterina Christakos from The Kitchen Novice finds herself some Fine Dining in Orlando, FL at the Christinis Italian restaurant. Caterina praises Christinis and it sounds like a tasty dining experience.

Speaking of dining, Greg Laden of Quiche Moraine gives us a "resturant review, of sorts" from South Minneapolis. Read Dinner at Azia.

The Seminole County Fair in Sanford, Florida joins the Carnival of Cities from MB of Florida Everyone Forgot.

The The DC Traveler's Jon says: "Only one American sitting President has come under hostile fire while Commander in Chief - Abraham Lincoln. You can visit the site in Washington, DC - Fort Stevens." Read Monument Monday - “Get Down You Fool” at Fort Stevens in Washington, DC now.

From GrrlScientist of Living the Scientific Life we hear about the homeless in New York City. In the review of Land of the Lost Souls: My Life on the Streets:

"The homeless are everywhere in New York City. I run across them every day while riding public transit, while walking around the city and while using wireless in the public libraries. After a few conversations with homeless people, I've learned that most of them avoid shelters because of the risk of violent crime there. So where do they sleep? Where do they go to get a shower and clean clothes? Are all homeless people either crazy or crackheads? How did these people end up living on the streets in the first place? Don't they have families and friends? This is my review of a new book by Cadillac Man, who lived on the streets of NYC for 16 years."

Hey kids, be a Human Gyroscope at the Kansas Cosmosphere continues in the scientific vein. Here, Sheila Scarborough goes through some very interesting motions in the gyroscope in Hutchinson, KS. In her own words: "This video shows me gyrating all over the place in one of the trainers at the Cosmosphere and Space Center in Hutchinson, Kansas. Yes, breakfast did stay down. Maybe it was all the hollering I was doing." You can find Sheila's blog over at Family Travel Guide.

America 001 shares information about planning a ski trip to Aspen. Read Planning a Ski Vacation in Aspen.

If you live in Detroit, The Smarter Wallet shows you a way to Bargain Homes In Detroit: Mansions For A Song. The current economy means there are bargains to be had for the lucky solvent.

Vihar Sheth of green | rising is Blowing Away The Need For Coal. This post covers a speech by Interior Secretary Ken Salazar in St. Louis, MO, which explains that the East Coast winds alone can replace up to 3,000 coal power plants. That's more than the total number of plants currently operating in the entire U.S.A.

From we get Sea Life Aquarium Celebrates Earth Month 2009. In April, visitors to the Sea Life Aquarium in San Diego can turn trash into treasure each Saturday throughout the month.

A bit more tropical than San Diego, Traveling Mamas' Kara Williams heads to San Juan in Puerto Rico. In When Things Go Wrong On Vacation: Lesson Learned, Always Call Ahead there's food and taxis and... no avocado. The lesson is that travel mishaps aren't a big deal, so take them in your stride.

In Mexico, they're rolling out new pedicabs. "The modernized set of wheels is part of the city’s ambitious goal to clean up and go green." says Wendy from Escape From New York. Read Mexico City Going Green With Eco Pedicabs.

Cities in Asia

Uttarakhand and I by Chicu presents Delhi with my Mum: an accessibility primer, which is about traveling India with someone who's not fully mobile. Chico talks about how to get around Delhi, and that it's difficult in much of India even for someone who's just moderately infirm. There are good points and bad, and Chico covers a few points that would make traveling in India much better for those who are less than fully mobile. posted Bhilai to Raipur on bike: Chapter 3: Telibandha Talab, Raipur and Mahant Ghasi Das Memorial Museum, Raipur: Part 1. This is the 3rd chapter of a bike trip travelogue where the author travels from Bhilai to Raipur in India's 26th state Chhattisgarh, which was formed as recently as 2000 from a part of Madhya Pradesh.

The Viewspaper shares Chandigarh: The Garden City of India. Chandigar, which is nicknamed as ‘City Beautiful’ is best known for its Rock Garden, Rose Garden, Sukhna Lake, and the market at sector 17.

Over to an 'exciting' Thailand, and Conan Stevens commentary on the Bangkok unrest in Thailand: Civil Unrest = Civil War?.

Cities in the rest of the world

Travelogged's Liz Wright wonders Where Were All the People in Jaco, Costa Rica? After being warned that Jaco would be full of tourists, she finds that the beach is empty and there's just a few other travelers around. Maybe it's due to the recession?

Waiguoren Critic of South China is Matthew Lubin's bloggin home. In Style covers his latest restaurant antics in Xinjiang, China.

Keith Jenkins from Velvet Escape's Blog writes about The murals of Valparaiso. Valparaiso, in Peru, is dotted with colorful murals everywhere you look. Hop over to the article for the visual pleasure.

That's all the posts

This edition of the Carnival of Cities turned out to be a bumper issue. Thanks to everyone that participated with great stories, photos, and news from all over the world.

The next edition, on 6 May, will be at Fear And Loathing - The Gonzo Papers. To get your single post about a single city into that edition of the carnival, head over to the carnival submission page now.

What did you think of the 22 April edition? Please let us know in the comments below!

You should follow me on twitter here.

Related articles:

Carnival of Cities 5 February
The 2009 It List for travel
Travel questions from Seth Godin
Happy Easter!’s events calendar 2009 - Part 2
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TSA gives families a break for Christmas
10 best beaches in America 2008 - a great New York resource
When in Spain, just say no
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Ordered newest to oldest.

Cheers guys

Didn't expect quite *that* many submissions. I culled about as many again for being spam, so the carnival definitely has some traction behind it. Having one every two weeks seems to help as well.

Jack on 23 April, 2009


thanks for hosting this- and glad that i got 'introduced' to your site too..will have fun browsing here.

chicu on 22 April, 2009

Thanks, Jack!

Thanks SO much for hosting the Carnival; you did a super job and there are lots of intriguing entries.

Glad to know you're on Twitter, too - I'm @SheilaS

Sheila Scarborough on 22 April, 2009



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